Spring has Sprung in Maine

It’s been a while since I have made a blog post. Lots of things are going on in my life these days. In February my stepdad, the man that raised me, passed away. It was so hard to deal with for sure. However, I am feeling some closure from his passing creating beautiful Memorial Flower


The Bangor Symphony Orchestra is hosting its Annual Fundraising Silent Auction. The bidding will begin online, ending in person at the Black-Tie Soiree. The Soiree is being held on March 11, 2023, in Bangor Maine at 6pm at the Collins Center for the Arts. More information about the Soiree and tickets can be found here.

2022 year in review

I look at this past year with so much pride and joy with all the milestones and accomplishments that have gone on within my business. Christmas is in the review mirror. 2023 is just around the corner. First off, this blog was born this year! How exciting! I loved sharing my craft adventures from my