It has been a while since I posted my last blog because I took a mental health week. Yesterday was the last of two anniversaries of domestic violence incidences that triggered me. I almost did not post this blog. As I was dealing with all those raw emotions I would try to sit in front of my computer and type up a blog post. Inspiration never came. My mind was feeling all over the place. I could not focus. I could not sleep because of nightmares. I felt full of things that I wanted to expunge from my head. I went back to my favorite form of therapy. Art. Art is therapy for me.
My PTSD flared up with nightmares, I find myself wanting to create. I finished almost one hundred ocean resin wave coasters and a Lazy Susan. I noticed something as I worked on my coasters. I started feeling better in my headspace. People in general these days turn to TV when they want to stop thinking. It works for a while. Because watching TV is a passive activity, your hands are free, and you end up on your phone. I personally do not feel better from watching TV. Nothing works better these days than going in my craft room. Using my imagination to create from my mind with my hands. I need to keep myself busy on a task.
When my nightmares flare up, I need to remember they will go away again. I just got to keep on moving forward. For me that means keep on crafting. I do not think I am the only artist that feels that way about creating. You cannot argue that creating or even watching people create is extremely therapeutic. Art is therapy on so many levels.