This past Saturday Fogtown had their 4th annual October festival in downtown Ellsworth. It was my first time attending the event. They had 3 bar stations set serving everything, including, seltzers, IPAs, mulled ciders, wines and CBD orange cream soda to name a few. There was literally something for everyone. Including lederhosen wearing couple, Susan and Eric, who should win an award for most festive apparel at Fogtoberfest!
I arrived in the afternoon just when Shirt Tail Kin was live on-stage jamming out. The band had so many people dancing enjoying the groove. The energy was electric, just watching the dancers made you feel joyous as you entered the event.
I walked around and asked people what they were drinking. I got many responses, but a few responses came up so much they really stood out. Night Nurse Double Shift, A Clockwork, Wise Guy and of course Fogtown’s Flagship beer Maine Coast were some of the most common responses I got from people. Night Nurse Double Shift is brewed with beans from Precipice Coffee in Ellsworth and the only beer on the menu that contained caffeine. My favorite was the Rose wine, but I am aller
A wonderful event with lots of positive energy. Everyone was having a very good time. There were kids and dogs there too. The pizza was delicious. I got cheese but a friend in my group got the jalapeño pizza pictured here. Be sure to stop in and get a flight because even if you missed Oktoberfest you can still have a small sampling anytime at Fogtown in Ellsworth or Bar Harbor!